• Leadership Commitment

    “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” — Mahatma Gandhi


    I am committed to continuously transforming myself so that I become a little better and stronger each day. My purpose “To Transform” myself is rooted in my desire “To Contribute” to the wellbeing of others, my organization, and my community.

    To accomplish this, I recognize that I must “Connect” with people and organizations by building exceptional relationships that will be the backbone to “Creating” the conditions where people and organizations can thrive.

  • Connect

    I know that when I connect with others by building expectational relationships the outcomes are always better and my joyful than going at it alone

  • Accomplishments & aWards

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    VMware -VMware Technical Sales Professional - VMware Cloud Foundation 5.1 (2024)

    VMware - VSP VMware Cloud Foundation 5.1 (2024)

    VMware - Act for Impact Award, 2023

    NetApp - Accepted into NetApp Breakthrough Leadership development program,2021

    NetApp - Earned a SandlerSales Certificate, 2021

    Stanford Graduate School of Business

    LEAD Executive Certificate, 2021 DistinguishedScholar Certificate,2024

    CloudBees - Customer Value Manager Impact Award, 2019

    CloudBees - Presidents Club, 2019

    EMC - Bronze Reward & Recognition, 2017

    EMC - Silver Reward & Recognition, 2016

    EMC - Published in the Global Renewal Newsletter, 2015

    EMC - Above and Beyond Award, 2013 and 2014

    EMC Renewals Representative of the Year, 2012

    EMC - Presidents Club, EMC, 2012

    EMC - Top Rep “All in” , EMC, 2012

    RTI- multiple spot awards, 2008

    MarketStar/HP - Annual MVP award, 2006

  • Create

    I recognize that anytime I create additional value it allows me to dive deeper into the business or subject matter I am working on. In doing so I influence more people, understand the problems deeper which enables me to create better solutions.

  • Experience

    Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.

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    July 2022 - Present



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    July 2020 - July 2022

    Global Field Renewals Account Manager



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    November 2017 - Present

    Sr. Customer Value Manager (Customer Success)




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    Dell EMC

    November 2010 - August 2017

    Renewal Enterprise Account Manager




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    Property Minder

    December 2008 - May 2010

    Customer Retention Specialist/Tech Support


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    Real-Time Innovations (RTI)

    October 2007- October 2008

    Sales Operation Specialist


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    Microsemi formally Symmetricom, Inc.

    October 2006 - June 2007

    Customer Service Representative

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    Hewlett Packard/Marketstar

    July 2005 - October 2006

    Value Big Deal Sales Representative (Team Lead) ​




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    Bell Microproducts

    January 2005 -July 2005



  • Transform

    I believe that anyone has the power to transform any aspect of their life and all it requires is someone to have the self-awareness to transform their weaknesses into strengths and to execute on a plan to bring about the desired transformation.

  • Education

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    Stanford LEAD


    LEAD is a deeply collaborative, academically rigorous program that gives highly motivated professionals a flexible way to experience Stanford GSB

    Admission Letter

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    Golden Gate University


    MBA, Graduated with High Honors with a concentration in Management and Marketing

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    California State University, Chico


     Bachelor of Science, Major in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing

  • Continuing Education

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    West Valley


    Introduction To Music Production (In Progress)

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    Stanford Online Course (NovoEd)


    Stanford LEAD Preview of Persuasion: Principles and Practice

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    2019- Present

    Complete Guitar System

    Financial Analysis, from Scratch to Professional!

    Scrum Overview: Scrum as a Project Management methodology, Scrum Fundamentals, Scrum concepts & Scrum tools

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    DevOps Institute



    DevOps Foundation Certification

    See credential


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    Mission College


    Music Theory


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    Gamification - Wharton Online

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    Stanford Online Course (NovoEd)


    Scaling Up Your Venture Without Screwing Up -Stanford

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    Continuous Learning - Reading List

  • Contribute

    I recognize that anytime I contribute and invest my time in people, within my company or volunteer organizations it strengthens my empathy with people and my understanding of the organization's mission.​

  • Volunteering

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    Salvation Army's 'Toy and Joy' s

    #Bee-Good (CloudBees)

    2019 - Photos

    2018 - Photos


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    Ocean Blue Project

    #Bee-Good (CloudBees)

    2019 - Photos

    Article - Link

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    charity: water

    2015 and 2016

    May 2016 Raised $1,355 (EMC)
    May 2015 Raised $1,510 (EMC)

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    SurfRider Foundation


    Beach CleanUp (EMC)

  • Connect

    I know that when I connect with others by building expectational relationships the outcomes are always better than going at it alone.


  • Let's Connect

  • Let's Be Friends

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